Undergraduate Research Symposium
2025 Undergraduate Research Symposium
Thursday, April 10, 2025
Room 135
Options for students to participate
The Undergraduate Research Symposium is an opportunity for PSU LV students to participate in a conference experience. Students have the option of participating in two ways, as student presenters (judged category) or student exhibitors (non-judged category).
Student presenters and student exhibitors must be currently registered students at the Penn State Lehigh Valley campus. Students are welcome to author/co-author multiple posters but can only deliver oral presentations for one poster at the Symposium.
Student presenters - judged category
This opportunity is best suited to students who wish to share completed work or work that has made significant progress.
- Student presenters must have conducted the work they are presenting under the research mentorship of a Penn State faculty member and include the mentor’s name on the application and in the poster.
- Student presenters’ research must be conducted in the same academic year corresponding to the date of the Symposium (e.g., work completed in summer 2024, fall 2024, and spring 2025 is eligible for the 2025 Symposium).
- Student presenters present posters sized 42" x 36” that describe their research (e.g., methodology, findings).
- Student presenters’ poster presentations will be evaluated by judges. Details about judging criteria and poster preparation, as well as links to judging rubrics, can be found on the Undergraduate Research Symposium Judging Criteria webpage. Winners may be invited to participate in the Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium held on April 26, 2025 at Penn State Brandywine. Register to be a Student Presenter (judged category)
Register to be a Student Presenter (judged category)
Student exhibitors - non-judged category
This opportunity is best suited to students who wish to share research proposals or preliminary work, gather feedback on in-progress ideas, connect with potential faculty research mentors, and/or find student collaborators.
- Student exhibitors must have discussed the ideas they are exhibiting with a faculty advisor and include the advisor’s name on the application and in the poster.
- Student exhibitors don’t have to conduct the research in the same academic year in which they exhibit at the Symposium. Rather, their research ideas may be completed in future academic years using feedback gathered and connections made at the Symposium.
- Student exhibitors present posters sized 8.5” x 14” that reflect their ideas about a possible research project.
- Student exhibitors’ poster presentations will not be evaluated by judges. Register to be a Student Exhibitor (non-judged category)
Register to be a Student Exhibitor (non-judged category)
Questions about the Symposium?
Contact a member of the Undergraduate Research Symposium Planning Committee:
Prof. Larry Musolino, Committee Chair (lsm7@psu.edu)
Dr. Elizabeth Flaherty (erf11@psu.edu)
Dr. Subhadra Ganguli (smg6870@psu.edu)
Jen Jarson (jmj12@psu.edu)
Dr. Andjela Kaur (avk6433@psu.edu)
Dr. Todd Retzlaff (tmr20@psu.edu)